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How to configure Google Workspace records on Flazio Domains


Welcome to the tutorial How to configure Google Workspace records in your domain on Flazio Domains.

To set up Google Workspace records, you need to access your personal area from the Login button.

In the management screen you will find, on your left, the list with the buttons that will allow you to access the various areas of the Domains panel.

By clicking on the Domains button, you will be shown the list of registered domains.
Find the domain you want to work on and click the Edit button, represented by the pencil symbol, to show the domain settings.
It might be useful to use the search field at the top right to identify the domain to be modified.

Among the settings shown in the next screen, you can find the complete list of Domain information including Nameservers and DNS Records.

Click Show DNS Record and locate the MX record group.

Create 5 MX records, leaving the Subdomain field blank, as indicated:

If the DNS records have been configured correctly, the service may be used after a few hours.

NB: Google may ask for a verification code before proceeding with the configuration of the aforementioned DNS records. Proceed with entering the code in question , usually through the TXT record, and after verifying ownership of the domain, you can configure the DNS records as indicated.


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