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How to buy a domain on Flazio Domains


Welcome to the tutorial How to buy a domain on Flazio Domains.

There are two ways to buy a domain.
The first method allows you to purchase the domain on Flazio Domains by connecting to the homepage of the site.
Here you will find the search field Search for a free domain.

Enter the name of the domain you wish to purchase and clicking on the magnifying glass, the system will check if the chosen domain is available or occupied.

If it is busy, a notice will appear where you will be asked to enter the transfer code to migrate it to Flazio Domains, if you are the owner of the domain in question.
If so, a popup will open where you can enter your registration data, so as to allow you to create your personal profile simultaneously with the choice of the domain. This phase is shown directly in the event that the domain is free and available for purchase.
The essential information for proceeding is marked with an asterisk (*).
Once this compilation phase is complete, you can validate the data entered by clicking on the Checkout button.
On the next screen, you will be shown the popup for entering your credit card information. At this stage, the payment method just provided with the domain will be linked.
By clicking on the Buy button, the card will be confirmed, the next click will complete the purchase of the domain.

The second method is aimed at users already registered in Flazio Domains.
Within your personal area you will find the "+" button at the top right.

This option will allow you to open a popup, in which you can enter the chosen domain name to check its availability and proceed with registration.
By clicking on verify, then, the domain will be selected and a new form will appear where you can enter your personal data by creating a new contact or by selecting an existing one, from the appropriate drop-down menu.

We remind you, as above, that if the domain is occupied and you are the owner of the domain in question, you will need to enter the transfer code to start the migration procedure on Flazio Domains.
To create a new contact, you will need to select Create a new contact in the Contact field and enter the required information.
By clicking on confirm, the previous information will be stored and the system will show the popup for choosing the credit card. At this stage, the domain will be linked.
By clicking on the Buy button, the card will be confirmed. At the next confirmation click, the purchase of the domain will be completed.


Good to know: the transfer code is provided by the provider where the domain is hosted. You will then need to contact the provider to request both the transfer code and the domain unlock for migration.


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